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83 Deep and Meaningful Quotes Brought to Life Through Stunning Calligraphy

83 Deep and Meaningful Quotes Brought to Life Through Stunning Calligraphy

In this modern age of text messages, chats, and emails, expressing one’s words through beautiful handwriting seems almost forgotten. But thanks to certain artists, the tradition of calligraphy has been kept alive, producing breathtaking results.

If you have a favorite quote that makes you pause, bring it to life with elegant brush strokes. Or, if you’re not that talented in the art department, you can try searching for quotes written using calligraphy.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do the searching yourself as we’ve collected 83 of the deepest and most meaningful quotes that have been transformed into stunning visual masterpieces. 

Each quote reminds us of the power of words and the beauty of the written form. You might even find yourself inspired to pick up a pen and create some art of your own!


1. “Make it happen.”

2. “Happiness is a choice.”

3. “Loss teaches the deepest lessons.” 

4. “Stars need darkness to shine”

5. “Storms make trees take deeper roots.” – Dolly Parton

6. “Be constantly curious.”

7. “You are unstoppable.”

8. “Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.” – John Maxwell

9. “Just be awesome.”

10. “Keep on shining.”

11. “Scars are untold stories”

12. “Leave your mark.”

13. “If you never try you’ll never know.” – John Barrow

14. “Your heart knows your truth.”

15. “The power of hope is strong.”

16. “Without struggle there is no progress.”

17. “People living deeply have no fear of death.” – Anaïs Nin

18. “What’s coming is better than what is gone.” – Greg Braden

19. “Keep it simple.”

20. “Never give up.”

21. “Your patience is your power.”

22. “Punch today in the face.”

23. “You are somebody’s reason to smile.” – Josephine

24. “If nobody helps you, do it alone.” – Michael Jordan

25. “Learn from yesterday.”

26. “Find a favorite little something in every day.”

27. “Manage your resistance.”

28. “Do less with more focus.”

29. “No rain, no flowers.”


30. “Stories live within every word.”

31. “Change the world by being yourself.”  – Amy Poehler

32. “Get out of your comfort zone.”

33. “Fear regret more than failure.” – Taryn Rose

34. “Accept full responsibility for your life.”

35. “In stillness, we find ourselves”

36. “Take each day as it comes.”

37. “Be inspired but don’t copy.”

38. “Every flower must grow through dirt.” – Laurie Jean Sennott

39. “Find solace in nature.”

40. “Make your own magic.”

41. “You are a diamond. They can’t break you.”

42. “Fear blinds. Hope reveals.”

43. “Patience is a virtue.”

44. “Integrity is choosing courage over comfort.” – Brene Brown

45. “My life is my message.” – Mahatma Gandhi

46. “Prove yourself to yourself, not others.”

47. “Rest while the storm passes.”

48. “Action cures fear, inaction creates terror.” – Douglas Horton

49. “Good things take time.”

50. “Get out of your own way.”

51. “What we think, we become.” – Buddha

52. “Think progress, not perfection.” – Ryan Holiday

53. “Allow yourself to feel.”

54. “Powerful dreams inspire powerful action.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

55. “A mistake is just success in progress.”

56. “Celebrate every tiny victory.”

57. “Great things never came from comfort zones.”

58. “Value your peace more than people’s opinion.”

59. “Silence speaks volumes.”

60. “Pain is proof of life.”

61. “Create your reality.”

62. “Growth requires discomfort.”

63. “Trust the timing of your life.” – Brittany Burgunder

64. “When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” – Margaret Drabble

65. “Fear fuels courage.”

66. “Sky above, earth below, and peace within.” – John P. Milton

67. “Joy is choice.”

68. “When nothing goes right… go left.”  – Martha Cecilia

69. “Forgive and grow.”

70. “Have the courage to be imperfect.”

71. “Release the past.”

72. “Be you. The world will adjust.”

73. “This too shall pass.” – William Shakespeare

74. “Words hold power.”

75. “Energy flows inward.”

76. “It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.” – Donna Karan

77. “Stop getting in your own way.”

78. “Lose your mind. Find your soul.” – Richard Alpert

79. “Surrender to life.”

80. “Connection breeds meaning.”

81. “Everything you can imagine is real.”


82. “Forget the mistake – Remember the lesson.” – Roald Dahl

83. “A mistake is a bruise, not a tattoo.” – John Sinclair


From Pen to Heart: Our Calligraphy Quote Collection Closes

Now that we have explored this collection of quotes written in beautiful calligraphy, we hope you feel inspired as we do. 

Simple or profound, these timeless words of wisdom remind us that it’s not just what we say, but how we say those words that matters. Each stroke and curve adds depth and character to these meaningful words, creating something truly special.

Whether you’ve found your newest mantra or your love for calligraphy has been awakened, remember that beauty and wisdom are all around you — sometimes, we only need to look at things from a different angle.